Saturday, February 5, 2011

Segway Tour

Today we went on an amazing Segway tour around Madrid. It was only supposed to last 3 hours, but it actually turned out to be 4 hours since no one had a time restraint and the guide had so much to show us. I think we saw more stuff in one day on Segways then we probably would in the next four months of walking around on our own! We covered miles and miles on these things, topping speeds of 14 mph! It was a perfect day, sunny and 50s, and we met some nice people from all over including Vancouver and Ireland.
At the Templo de Debod (an ancient egyptian temple)
In front of the Palacio Real (the second largest palace in the world)
Going so fast that the background is a blur!
In the back of the Palacio Real
The beautiful Catedral de la Almudena

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