Monday, February 28, 2011

A day in the park

Here are a few more pictures from the weekend in Retiro park! I also visited the Santa Barbara church and the adjoining building where the Supreme Court is held.

Some whale bones on display as a statue at the park

Some really funky upside-down trees!

Santa Barbara church

Tribunal Supremo

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Prado Museum

On Friday, I went with my art class to the Prado Museum to view the paintings that we have been studying. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside, so I took quite a few on the outside and of the gardens. We only covered a couple rooms in the whole museum, but we are going back 4 more times for the class. I think it would take hours to cover the entire museum though, but there are a lot of great paintings and sculptures!

The entrance of the Prado

This is just one section of the building, it is very large!

I couldn't pass up taking a picture of these cute kids on a field trip all holding onto eachother's shirts!

A very pretty church across the street

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Museo Cerralbo

A couple days ago, we visited this mansion/museum called Museo Cerralbo. It was built in the 1800s for a wealthy man who collected all sorts of treasures...paintings, sculptures, weapons, armour, jewelry, furniture, etc. He had collected over 50,000 objects!! From the outside it looked like a regular apartment, but on the inside it was quite a palace!

The ballroom

A neat glass chandelier

Saturday, February 19, 2011

El Escorial trip

Yesterday, I went on an excursion with my study abroad program to El Escorial. It is a large monastery north of Madrid that was built in the 1500s, and it was the largest building in the world at the time. Inside, there is a palace, museum, basilica, library, and pantheon where all of the Royalty of Spain have been buried. We were not supposed to take pictures at all, but we were able to sneak a few.
On the same trip, we visited the Valle de los Caidos. This is a large Catholic basilica where the tallest memorial cross in the world is held. It was situated in the mountains so we were surrounded by snow. Almost felt like home!
The center courtyard of El Escorial
Walking into the beautiful basilica
One of the most important historic libraries in the world
The entrance into the Pantheon where the Kings and Queens of Spain are buried
Valle de los Caidos (Valley of the Fallen)
Surrounded by snowy mountains

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend fun

This weekend, we went to the Reina Sofia Museum where Picasso's famous "Guernica" painting is held. They actually allowed pictures to be taken inside, without the flash of course. This was a great experience because I had studied this painting in my high school Spanish class, and it was really interesting to see it in person. We also strolled through the Caso de Campo park, which has a theme park, lake, and the best zoo in Europe. It was so nice out that we decided to take a little row boat out on the lake!

Standing in front of Picasso's famous painting
Picasso's "Guernica" from Google (a very interesting piece)
A beautiful day in the park
Taking a nice boat ride around the lake!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

España vs. Colombia

Last night, we went to the España vs. Colombia soccer game! We got very cheap tickets by waiting in line several hours before the game. We ended up getting great seats near the corner of the field on the fourth tier (out of five) for only 20 Euros! España won the game 1-0

The famous Santiago Bernabeu stadium of Spain

The great view from our seats

My new camera has a great zoom on it!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Here are some more pictures from the weekend...

A nice night in front of the Templo de Debod (an ancient egyptian temple)

Beer is sold everywhere, even at McDonalds!!
In front of an odd statue with Starbucks in the background! There is lots of graffiti in Madrid as you can see!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Segway Tour

Today we went on an amazing Segway tour around Madrid. It was only supposed to last 3 hours, but it actually turned out to be 4 hours since no one had a time restraint and the guide had so much to show us. I think we saw more stuff in one day on Segways then we probably would in the next four months of walking around on our own! We covered miles and miles on these things, topping speeds of 14 mph! It was a perfect day, sunny and 50s, and we met some nice people from all over including Vancouver and Ireland.
At the Templo de Debod (an ancient egyptian temple)
In front of the Palacio Real (the second largest palace in the world)
Going so fast that the background is a blur!
In the back of the Palacio Real
The beautiful Catedral de la Almudena

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hi from Madrid! I arrived here yesterday morning, and the weather has been cool 40s and sunny both days. The apartment that I will be living in is about the size of my bedroom, but it has all the essentials. I am also located in the heart of Madrid within easy walking distance to most areas. I haven't been able to get out much yet due to all the orientation events, but here are some pictures of the city...

A statue of Francisco de Goya

The Palacio de Comunicaciones (Spain's postal service and city council headquarters)

Puerta de Alcala (one of the many ancient portals into the city)